Grant investigator: Chloe Cockburn
This page was reviewed but not written by the grant investigator. The Ladies of Hope Ministries staff also reviewed this page prior to publication.
The Open Philanthropy Project recommended a grant of $155,000 to The Ladies of Hope Ministries via Operation Restoration to support the crafting of a scaling plan for Hope House and staffing for Hope House, a reentry housing program for and by formerly incarcerated women. These funds will be used to manage internal logistics and policies to inform the culture of the house and help manage relationships with the community. Chloe Cockburn, our Program Officer for Criminal Justice Reform, believes intentional communities created by this housing model, connected to local groups, could provide ripe conditions for criminal justice reform organizing.
This is a discretionary grant and falls within our focus area of criminal justice reform.
Update: In March 2020, we supplemented our initial support for this work with an additional $5,000 grant recommendation. The “grant amount” above has been updated to reflect this.