Note: This grant was awarded while the Open Philanthropy Project was a partnership between GiveWell and Good Ventures.
Good Ventures, with input from GiveWell, awarded a grant of $368,587 to New Incentives as part of GiveWell’s Incubation Grants to support the development of potential future top charities and improve the quality of GiveWell’s recommendations. Part of this funding ($205,024) is intended as an “exit grant” to support New Incentives in closing down its program giving conditional cash transfers to women who deliver at a health facility. The remaining $163,563 is intended to support New Incentives’ pilot program to instead make conditional cash transfers to incentivize routine immunizations.
New Incentives is a startup organization that aims to increase delivery of conditional cash transfers, an intervention we believe to be supported by strong evidence of effectiveness. We are continuing to support New Incentives in its expansion because we believe that New Incentives, if successful, could become a GiveWell-recommended charity.
See GiveWell’s page on this grant for more details.