Grant investigator: Claire Zabel
This page was reviewed but not written by the grant investigator. CFAR staff also reviewed this page prior to publication.
Open Philanthropy recommended a grant of $375,000 to the Center for Applied Rationality (CFAR) for general support.
CFAR is an adult education nonprofit that seeks to find and develop cognitive tools and to deliver these tools to promising individuals, groups, organizations, and networks focused on solving large and pressing problems. Our primary interest in these workshops is that we believe they introduce people to and/or strengthen their connections with the effective altruism (EA) community and way of thinking, which we hope results in people with outstanding potential pursuing more impactful career trajectories. CFAR is particularly interested in growing the talent pipeline for work on potential risks from advanced artificial intelligence (AI). More on our interest in supporting work along these lines is here.
This follows our January 2018 support and represents an “exit grant” that will provide CFAR with approximately one year of operating support.