Choosing causes is the most important decision a philanthropist makes.
We believe it’s important for philanthropists to make deliberate commitments to causes. We refer to the causes we’re prioritizing most highly as focus areas.
Choosing causes is the most important decision a philanthropist makes.
We believe it’s important for philanthropists to make deliberate commitments to causes. We refer to the causes we’re prioritizing most highly as focus areas.
We’ve cast a wide net for potential focus areas, incorporating information on the history of philanthropy as well as what today’s foundations focus on. We’ve sought focus areas that are strong on some combination of the following criteria:
How many individuals does this issue affect, and how deeply?
All else equal, is this cause receiving less attention from other actors, particularly other major philanthropists?
Are there clear ways in which a funder could contribute to progress in this area?
So far, we’ve concentrated on selecting focus areas in two broad categories: Global Health & Wellbeing and Global Catastrophic Risks. We occasionally also provide support to other grantmaking areas that fall outside of our current priorities.
We’ve seen that economic growth and technological progress create the conditions for people to live healthy and flourishing lives.
We believe natural pandemics represent one of the biggest current risks to global welfare and stability, and the risks from engineered pandemics — whether via accidents or misuse — may grow in the future.
We help people use their donations and careers to improve human and animal lives.
We’ve seen that advocacy, including reforms to phase out the worst farming practices and work to promote alternatives, can improve the lives of billions of animals confined in cruel conditions on factory farms globally.
We seek to support people and organizations in the forecasting community, in order to improve how crucial decisions are made.
We hope to contribute to a future where wealthy countries’ foreign aid improves the well-being of more people.
We want to increase the number of people who aim to prevent catastrophic events, and help them to achieve their goals.
We believe that every life has equal value — and that philanthropic dollars can go particularly far by helping those who are, by global standards, living in poverty.
We seek to improve diagnosis, prevention and treatment of the most neglected diseases, which could save and improve the lives of millions of people.
We support work on policies that could cost-effectively address major public health issues.
We’re interested in supporting technical research that could reduce the risk of accidents from artificial intelligence (AI), as well as strategic and policy work that has the potential to improve society’s preparedness for major advances in AI.
We believe scientific progress has been, and will continue to be, one of the biggest contributors to improvements in human wellbeing, and we hope to play a part in this.