Billions of broiler chickens, bred for their meat, are inhumanely raised and slaughtered each year.

Broiler Chicken Welfare
We aim to reduce the suffering of chickens raised for meat.

Broiler chickens are the most numerous vertebrate land farm animals; more than 10 billion are alive at any given time, and more than 70 billion are slaughtered annually. Their welfare is impacted by fast growth due to selective genetics (see image below), overcrowding, inhumane slaughter, and chronic sleep deprivation due to lighting schedules optimized for growth.

Corporate campaigns are an effective strategy to improve broiler welfare. We’ve supported advocates to promote the Better Chicken Commitment and European Chicken Commitment, two sets of recommendations that address chicken genetics, housing, stocking density, and stunning methods for slaughter.
Since we started supporting corporate campaigns, numerous major retailers, particularly in Europe, have committed to enacting major broiler chicken welfare reforms.
Between 2020 and 2023, advocates secured pledges from over 200 companies to improve the welfare of broiler chickens. If fully implemented, those pledges will improve the welfare of over 100 million broiler chickens alive at any time. This includes Aldi, Europe’s second-largest retailer, as well as France’s two largest retailers and two of Spain’s top five largest retailers. Other companies with pledges include major chicken chains Popeye’s and Nando’s UK, pizza chains Pizza Hut and Domino’s (across key European markets), and fast food giant Subway, which adopted a pan-European commitment.
Scientific analysis has shown that chickens farmed in ways consistent with the Better Chicken Commitment or European Chicken Commitment have fewer heart and lung diseases, and reduced lameness and thermal stress. This leads to these chickens spending an estimated 78% less time in excruciating pain and 66% less time in disabling pain than the industry standard.
As more food companies commit to implementing broiler chicken welfare reforms, we’ve shifted part of our funding strategy toward ensuring that companies follow through on their pledges.
Broiler Chicken Welfare, at a glance
60+ Grants
Made -
456 corporate broiler welfare pledges secured by our grantees